Like A Trip Back To Middle School

Sunday, January 27, 2013

staten island is magical

Tonight I saw a band that I haven't seen since my senior year of college play songs that they haven't played together in nine years. Before the show, the lead singer, my musical hero who I've seen 30+ times since as a solo artist, hugged me and sincerely thanked me for coming. Then, waiting for the band to start, the lead singer of my all time favorite band (and my other musical hero) came and stood next to me, FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW, singing along with every song ("I WANT YOU!! I WANT YOU!!") and heckling them after every song ("Play that one again!!!!!" "Water addicts!!" "SKINNNNNNNNER!") After the show, I summoned all my courage to talk to him. "What's your name? Hi Kerri, I'm Jesse." (What do you say to that? "Of course you are, you're the friggin cover picture on my timeline") Handshake. Legitimate conversation. Eye contact and smiling (I didn't think Jesse Lacey smiled until I saw it for myself tonight). We just talked about Kevin and about the show and about how we'd stood next to each other through out, and I didn't say anything about Brand New, until he told me it was nice to meet me and I said, like an starstruck idiot, "It was so nice to meet you too . . . I think what you do is amazing" or something equally stupid. But he smiled and thanked me and gave me a pat on my shoulder. Hugs from Kevin Devine and I met Jesse Lacey. It doesn't get much better than that. Staten Island, you're ok by me.

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