law students will clearly go to great lengths to entertain themselves and each other
(screenname edited because that's how I roll with this blog)
deadb***94 (10:35:31 PM) : that's some nerve you have...
deadb***94 (10:36:18 PM) : i don't know who you are....but I wanted liveb***94. and i was utterly disappointed to find out it was taken
deadb***94 (10:36:52 PM) : so i had to go with deadb***94
deadb***94 (10:38:10 PM) : so can I buy the rights to it?
deadb***94 (10:38:18 PM) : its really important to me
deadb***94 (10:42:00 PM) : is there a chance I could get a response
deadb***94 (10:42:02 PM) : ?
deadb***94 (10:42:04 PM) : at all
LiveB***94 (10:47:54 PM) : haha, i have had this screenname since 1998 - sorry!
deadb***94 (10:48:40 PM) : really 1998? So you were on like when the internet was invented then?
deadb***94 (10:48:48 PM) : don't you think 10 years is enough
deadb***94 (10:48:49 PM) : ?
LiveB***94 (10:49:31 PM) : sorry! i have ten year's worth of buddies on my buddy list who know me by this screenname
deadb***94 (10:49:55 PM) : I'm sorrey. I am not tryin to be rude. but seriously, what is the price. I need this screen name.
LiveB***94 (10:50:54 PM) : I'm sorry, there's no price
deadb***94 (10:52:32 PM) : ok. i have an idea, if i have a better story behind the name than you, I take it for the price. If you have the better story than you keep it
LiveB***94 (10:53:25 PM) : haha I really appreciate your persistence, but I'm sorry, there is nothing you can tell me that will get me to change my mind
LiveB***94 (10:53:34 PM) : I have 300 people who know me by this screenname
LiveB***94 (10:53:46 PM) : and ten years of history with it
deadb***94 (10:54:10 PM) : WOW>>>>>300 people and the history? you really were on when the internet was invented. sure you aren't too old to still be on aim....
deadb***94 (10:55:42 PM) : ok...clearly you are tough to crack. I respect that. have a good time with your screen name. too bad i couldn't get it
deadb***94 signed off at 10:55:51 PM.
deadb***94 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
Annnnnd I was just IMed by "halfaliveb***94". And it's totally Briton. I am dying over here.
Annnnnd I was just IMed by "halfaliveb***94". And it's totally Briton. I am dying over here.
At May 7, 2008 at 11:15 PM ,
Becky said...
Hahaha...I was ALSO dying!
It's so weird how a convo on the nicknnames on my buddy list leads to so much hilarity (sp?)!!
Thank goodness you have a sense of humor!!
At May 7, 2008 at 11:16 PM ,
Becky said...
Okay, tell me the truth--do I need to stop commenting? Does this qualify as stalking?
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