Like A Trip Back To Middle School

Sunday, May 31, 2009

where there's smoke . . .

It's been less than two weeks and I'm going through Lost withdrawal . . . these two things made me laugh way more than they should have. Well . . . okay, I guess just the second one did, because the first one legitimately -- and rightfully -- made me laugh out loud.

this would be amazing . . . I love the Onion

Lea Thompson (Caroline In The City) costars with the ominous cloud (Lost) in its new ABC sitcom this fall.

"The whole concept began with us asking, 'So what happens to the monster after it kills somebody and disappears down that ancient temple vent? What kind of life might it have?'" Lorre said. "And what we realized is that audiences really relate to this character and would like to see it in everyday situations, shooting the breeze with buddies at a local watering hole or murdering its son's soccer coach and depositing his lifeless body in a tree."

This one . . . not so great as a Lost parody, but hey, it's Degrassi. What's not to love?

"Only 57? Really, hon . . . "


Saturday, May 30, 2009

happy new year

Rarely do I measure years from January to December . . . maybe it comes from having spent all but three of the past twenty-two years as a student, where I thought in terms of the "school year". For whatever reason though, that's how I think.

For me, this past year started on June 1. Law school ended. Mary and the cats moved out. Briton moved in. Bar review started. And I was launched into this year, this crazy year of taking bar exams and passing bar exams and being unemployed and then getting a job and starting "my career" . . . everything was new and exciting and the year certainly had its ups and downs, but for the most part, it was a good one. I definitely have some people I can thank for that, and I'm not going to get into that here (that's what the pretty much defunct person of the month/year award was for), but if you're even reading this, there's a damn good chance that you were one of them, so thank you.

So . . . the year ends this weekend. On the horizon:

June 5-7: Becky visits! Night at the Museum 2 (I should see the first one), a fun Australian show, Irina's cocktail party
June 7: Kevin Devine show in Brooklyn
June 16: Matt Nathanson show in Central Park
July 4-18: LONDON!!!
July 21: Our Lady Peace concert at Irving Plaza
July 24: Amanda and Keith's wedding
August 1: Becky's Townhouse 1 Year Anniversary party
August 8: Christy and Tony's wedding
August 15: O.A.R. concert at MSG
September 1: The Killers concert at Jones Beach

Goals for the "new year": keep saving money and move out, preferably into somewhere I own. We'll see how that works out.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

becky wants to be entertained, scott's sick of looking at peeps, and briton's updated more recently than me

It was nearly a year ago that Briton and I were flipping through the channels one Sunday morning and came across some girl on the TV lifting up her shirt yelling "I'm going to be FAMOUS!" while some guy videotaped her. We were intrigued. Forty minutes and a million Wikipedia page views later, I was pretty hooked.

The OC may be one of the best TV shows ever, and by far my favorite teen drama. But this is why Degrassi: The Next Generation is the second best teen drama ever.
  1. It's Canadian.
  2. There are EIGHT seasons of it and counting.
  3. It's on four times a day. Eight on Sundays!
  4. The cast is so big that not every character is in every episode, so it's hard to dislike any of them because once they start getting on your nerves, you go two or three episodes without seeing them.
  5. That said, there's no Joey Potter or Marissa Cooper.
  6. All the episodes are named after 80s songs.
  7. It gives new meaning to the word "drama". I have only seen a handful of episodes from a couple of seasons and I've seen teen pregnancies, suicide attempts, STDs, an abortion, two rapes, two different people with cancer, a school shooting, male prostitution, a drug overdose, guys kissing, girls kissing, an inappropriate teacher/student relationship, bipolar disorder . . . and no joke, I've seen maybe 20 episodes.
  8. It produced a fictional movie called "Jay and Silent Bob Go Canadian, Eh?"
  9. The theme song is amazingly catchy. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself!
  10. Did I mention it's Canadian?
Watch it. Dooooooooo it!