i have an overwhelming urge to watch good will hunting right now
and the even better response:
(stuck in chair wearing a funky wig as Jay Lee, the evil dentist, approaches)
JAY: Who do you work for?
ME: Write this down. E. M. E. T. I. B. Got it? Now, reverse it.
JAY: I don't get it. Now let me take out your teeth!
ME: Start with the ones in the back. AHHHHHH!
- - -
DAVE: I love you, let's get married, even if your dad is kind of scary.
ME: Okay! But first, I must tell you... I don't work as an HM anymore. I work for Palladium, a secret branch of NYU Athletics. All those times I've been out of town, I haven't been at HM conventions... I've been on missions, called flyer runs. You can't tell anyone. I leave for another one at noon.
DAVE: Oh, yikes, not sure how to handle this one... yeah.
- - -
DAVE: (on my answering machine) I still love you! Let's get married. I don't care that you do these flyer runs, or what Palladium is. You're still a-okay, and you're still doing something more important than movie theater popcorn serving.
(listening to message from Palladium Headquarters)
SLOANE: (evil cackling)
- - -
ME: I love doing flyer runs with you!
DAN: Yes. It's great serving our sports center.
ME: I'm so proud of us. And I love that we get to wear wigs and talk in accents.
DAN: Word.
- - -
ME: Dave, I'm home! AHHH! You're dead in the bathtub! What the hell?
- - -
ME: You did this! You killed the man I love!
SLOANE: No, Agent D., YOU did. I am evil, but I told you not to tell anyone about the flyer runs. Serves you right, stupid girl. How are you an NYU graduate?
ME: I hate you! (runs away)
- - -
ME: (thinking) Uh-oh, I think those cars are going to try to run me over and shoot at me. And I bet Sloane sent them!
(cars start chasing me and shooting at me)
ME: What a predicament!
(car speeds up and stops next to me)
SPY DADDY: Get in!
ME: Daddy?!
(gets in car)
SPY DADDY: Yeah, so Dave's dead. Sorry. And by the way, Palladium is not part of NYU Athletics. You have been lied to. All monitors have been lied to. You work for the enemy. So do I. Palladium is part of the Alliance of Athletic Departments - along with Columbia, Siena, Stony Brook and Montclair.
- - -
ME: Dave's dead and I have no idea why! I have no answers!
MARY: Awwww, poor Ker. Let's eat ice cream. Not coffee though, because I hate coffee ice cream, and eggs make me want to vomit so don't ever offer me any because I might vomit. Hint hint hint for next season's season finale.
ME: I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'll keep that in mind.
WILL TIPPIN*: I am in love with you! I work for a paper and will investigate Dave's death to hopefully get you to love me like I love you! By the way, my hair is bad.
ME AND MARY: Yes, yes it is.
ME: Hey, don't investigate his death, that's a bad idea.
WILL: Okay, sure, Ker, whatever you want, as long as by 'don't investigate his death' you mean 'investigate his death'.
(Mary leaves room)
ME: Oh, by the way, I need to borrow your sister's passport, kthanxbye!
- - -
ME: I am filled with such inner turmoil! What to do? I KNOW! I'll go to the REAL NYU Athletic Department and tell them my story and then we can work together to BRING DOWN PALLADIUM! But while I am here in this foreign country, I might as well steal something of value to Sloane so that I can win back his trust so that he stops trying to kill me. Hmmm. I know just the thing! But I have a feeling that Jay Lee won't like that very much. Although I'm not sure why. But something needs to explain why he was pulling my teeth out for seemingly no reason at the beginning of this tale!
- - -
DAN: I love that we work for NYU. They're such good guys.
JOHN: I don’t have very good social skills so I'm going to pretend you're not talking to me and instead just play on my computer.
DAN: No, really. I'm so proud to serve my school.
JOHN: Want a pig-in-a-blanket?
DAN: Um... no thanks.
JOHN: Hey look, it's Kerri! Kerri, have you eaten yet?
(I walk in, in funky costume and wig, holding Sal Rembaldi's ravioli recipe, just one on a list of Rembaldi recipes and devices that Sloane has been collecting for years. I march into Sloane's office and plop it on his desk.)
SLOANE: Oh yay, so I guess you got over that whole 'I killed the man you love thing!'
ME: Yeah, that's right!
SLOANE: By the way, you're like a daughter to Elizabeth and me.
ME: Now's probably a good time to mention that my real mother died in a car accident long ago and I think about her all the time. Now I have to obsess over the fact that she AND Dave are dead, so I need a week off.
SLOANE: Fair enough.
- - -
(I am still dressed in a funky outfit with a funky colored wig and writing and writing)
VAUGHN: You wrote a lot.
ME: I know.
VAUGHN: I mean, it's, like, Tolstoy long.
ME: Do you know who Tolstoy is?
ME: Didn't think so. Who are you?
VAUGHN: My name is Michael Vaughn, but you will call me Vaughn, even after we take down Palladium and are allowed to be seen in public together and we start getting it on and I beg you to call me Michael.
ME: Whatever. You're gorgeous, but right now, Palladium must go down and so must the evil Arvin Sloane.
VAUGHN: Right. So here's the scoop. You'll go back to Palladium, now that you've won back Sloane's trust. You'll continue doing flyer runs for him, but you'll report back to us before you go with what he wants you to do, and we'll give you a counter-flyer run... a countermission, if you will.
ME: I will.
VAUGHN: Umm... right. You will right down your mission on one of these NYU Athletics flyers and throw it in a trash can in Washington Square Park.
ME: That's a waste of paper.
VAUGHN: And printing off thousands of them to begin with isn't?
ME: Good point.
VAUGHN: When I want to meet up with you, I will call your apartment pretending to be your ex-roommate's father. You'll answer, "wrong number" and then come meet me so we can discuss your countermission.
ME: How will I know where to meet you?
VAUGHN: You'll just know.
ME: That's not very clear...
VAUGHN: Okay, woman, give it up, 'Alias' never quite explains that.
ME: Riiiight. Okay. Cool. Hey wait a second, you seem to know a lot about double agents... and why do you trust me?
VAUGHN: That's because we have another double agent here... (breathes heavily like Darth Vader) YOUR FATHER.
ME: Daddy?!
SPY DADDY: Yes, it's me. Vaughn made me wear this suit, one of the many reasons I don't like him and never will.
ME: Daddy, why didn't you tell me you were a double agent? Why didn't you tell me sooner about Palladium? Why did you get me involved in your world of spies and lies? And I thought you purchased airplane parts for Grumman! I wish this had never happened!
SPY DADDY: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
ME: Oh Daddy, so wise.
SPY DADDY: Stop calling me daddy, you're supposed to hate me still.
ME: Oh. Right. I hate you!
TOM: I think she's crazy.
VAUGHN: No doubt.
Labels: alias, kerri has too much time on her hands, kerrias
Labels: quotes
Labels: concerts, i love music
Labels: lost
Labels: haikus, kerri has too much time on her hands, lost
1. just blurting it out on a flyer run
"hey there's third north and i'm in love with you"
"no.. what did you just say???"
"um... there's third north??"
2. post-it note on the steering wheel
3. making a mix tape for the next run which just has "i think i love you" by the partridge family on repeat
4. telling him a hypothetical story about a guy named sam who you are in love with
5.telling him the REAL story about dave and why you always regretted never saying anything... hint hint
6. inviting him out for a night of "pizza and confessions of love."
7. telling him about "hot filipino chess with edgar" and when he says "wait.. who's edgar"... breaking down and saying "HE DOESN'T EXIST... i just made him up to make you jealous so you would notice how much i love you... you prick!"
8. previously stated australian secret agent "ice-breaker" that has been suggested ((ahem!)) before but never put to good use
9."slipping" and calling him chad repeatedly.. and then -hitting self in forehead- "doh.. chad was the guy i USED to be in love with"
10. telling him that you are being tempted into sinful living by an evil lesbian communist cult and he is the only man you are in love with, so he HAS to save you!
11. tell him you have a secret and he has 5 guesses.... and if he guesses he will win a prize. a prize that involves you on a date. a prize that involves him and you on a date together. a prize that involves kissing... ((keep going until it gets really tedious and then just bust into a medley of the jeopardy music and "let's get it on"))
Oh my God, I miss Bonnie so much. How on earth did I not see her the entire time she was living in NY and now she's gone again?
Labels: lists, nyu, old school
Labels: lost
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